Rank your options through simple head-to-head comparisons

Separate each option with a new line.

{{ currentComparison.a.name }}

{{ currentComparison.b.name }}


{{ option.rank }}. {{ option.name }}

What is pairwise ranking?

Pairwise ranking or comparison is a method used to rank a list of options by comparing them to each other. This tool helps you do that by presenting you with two options and you choose which one you prefer. After enough comparisons, the tool will calculate the ranking of your options.

How do I get started?

Enter the options you want to compare above, one item per line. Once you have entered all your options, click "Start" to start comparing them. Choose your favorite option from the two presented to you. The tool will automatically present you with the next pair to compare. Continue until you have compared all the options and the tool will calculate the ranking for you.

Why use pairwise ranking?

Pairwise ranking is a simple and intuitive way to rank a list of options. It is especially useful when you have a large number of options and it is difficult to compare them directly. Pairwise comparison breaks down the problem into smaller, more manageable comparisons, making it easier to determine the ranking of the options.

Who is this tool for?

This tool is for anyone who needs to rank a list of options. Whether you are trying to decide which movie to watch, which entry won a hackathon, or which feature to prioritize, this tool can help you make an informed decision.

What are the limitations of pairwise ranking?

Pairwise ranking is a powerful tool, but it has some limitations. One of the main limitations is that it requires a large number of comparisons to rank a list of options accurately. The more options you have, the more comparisons you will need to make. Another limitation is that pairwise comparison does not take into account the context or the importance of the options. It treats all options equally, regardless of their significance.


This is a freely available tool to rank a list of things using pairwise comparisons. This tool is provided as-is and I am not liable for any errors or upsetting rankings. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Do you have a feature request or a request for another simple tool? Let me know!

Created by Keshia Rose

Copyright © 2024 Keshia Rose. All rights reserved.

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The ranking is fully processed locally in your own browser. If you create a save link then the data is saved to a database to enable retrieving the data from a link. You can request any saved links to be removed by sending an email with the link id.

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